
Operational research pdf
Operational research pdf

operational research pdf

UNIT - 5 QUEUING THEORY: Queuing system and their characteristics. UNIT - 4 SEQUENCING: Johnsons algorithm, n - jobs to 2 machines, n jobs 3machines, n jobs m machines without passing sequence. Assignment Problem: Formulation, unbalanced assignment problem, Traveling salesman problem.

operational research pdf operational research pdf

UNIT - 3 TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM: Formulation of transportation model, Basic feasible solution using different methods, Optimality Methods, Unbalanced transportation problem, Degeneracy in transportation problems, Applications of Transportation problems. Concept of duality, two phase method, dual simplex method, degeneracy, and procedure for resolving degenerate cases. UNIT - 2 LINEAR PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS: The simplex method - slack, surplus and artificial variables. UNIT - 1 INTRODUCTION: Linear programming, Definition, scope of Operations Research (O.R) approach and limitations of OR Models, Characteristics and phases of OR Mathematical formulation of L.P. OPERATION RESEARCH Written by Administrator Wednesday, 04 November 2009 07:24

Operational research pdf